miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2015


The safest and easiest way for educators to connect and collaborate with students, parents, and each other.

  • Create a blended learning classroom
  • Join global learning communities
  • Discover and share valuable resources

    Edmodo does not require private information from students. Students join Edmodo at the invitation of their teachers using a unique code the teacher generates within their Edmodo account.
    Once invited to join Edmodo, students can only access groups to which they have been invited by their teachers.
    Students cannot be “friended” or contacted by anyone outside of their Edmodo group.
    Students in Edmodo can post messages to their teachers, or to their entire Edmodo group, but students cannot send private messages to each other.
    Teachers maintain full control of their Edmodo groups and can delete posts, monitor all activity, review student posts before they go live, and even set individual students or groups of students to “read-only” access.

Assignments: Are created by teachers and distributed to their students using the assignment post feature. Teachers can title their assignments, identify a due date, associate a description or prompt, and include attachments from the web, computer or Edmodo library.

Quizzes:  Quiz features include the ability for teachers to create quizzes, edit and load previously created quizzes, provide a quiz description, set the time limit for a quiz, and preview a quiz before sending it to their students (group).

Planner:  Enables teachers to manage personal and group-based events and tasks. By creating an event or task, teachers can help students keep track of upcoming assignments, events, projects, school activities, professional obligations, and more.

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